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The Whizzinator is the Real Deal



Let's face it, mandatory drug testing at work is not the best experience. They can ruin your career progress for having some well-deserved fun over the weekend. Many people feel that these tests are not necessary because they are not related to work performance. I totally agree with this argument because as long as you are functional and have not made any apparent mistake, you remain productive whether there are drugs in your system or not. Let's not forget that drug tests are unethical, they violate people's privacy and are unfair. This is why a whizzinator is the real deal and every person should get one for their interview or random drug tests at work.


A whizzinator, in the simplest terms, is a fake male organ. Learn more about  Whizzinator  at the whizzinator. Basically, what you do is strap the whizzinator on and fill it with artificial piss so that when asked to fill a sample cup you can give them the fake piss. This is a genius idea because the entire whizzinator is reliable for all those taking drug tests. And unlike other methods of beating drug tests, a whizzinator is effortless and undetectable. 


The product comes with many features including a fake male organ, waistband, and straps to keep everything in place. The male sex organ comes in different colors and sizes making it easier for you to get something that resonates with you. The best part is that you get a packet of synthetic urine; this comes in powder form. Click here to Read more now about Whizzinator . What you do is mix this powder with some water and insert it in the pouch on the day you need it. The whizzinator is very portable and you can carry it around for as long as you need to. One important advice from the experts is to ensure that you have a quality product that will do a perfect job. Good fake-piss is particularly important because labs today are very sophisticated and have ways of detecting artificial urine. The whizzinator can serve you as long as you need it to because all you need is to replace the artificial urine. 


Legally, an employer can dismiss you for refusing to take part in a drug test especially if that is part of the workplace policies. This is not fair for those who love to have fun every now and then. For this reason, a whizzinator can be used to save everyone a great deal of trouble. 

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